Monday, January 28, 2008

Seek Ye First

The day has only continued on as smoothly as it began when I posted this morning. I'm delighted. And glad that I do not believe in jinxes, or I'd be up a creek right now.At bible study this morning I was relieved to learn that Kim Klamm a mother of 8 at our church and a fellow cropper will be leading a study on Practical Christian Living for Moms. In years past, I have RUN from bible studies geared towards mothers. Since Zane's birth, however, I have grown very fond of connecting with other mom's through the Word and have even found that this has been the ultimate place to find support and healing with regard to Harper's situation (which I've yet to blog about . . .). The group, currently titled MomsRus, should be called, Moms: Thank God. It's Not Just Me.

Some highlights from today . . .

I want to read What Happens When Women Pray. This book has been brought to my attention countless times and I can't ignore it any longer. Perhaps now is the time.

Mothers don't really have a "sanctuary". I do find that when I'm singing I find myself in a "sanctuary" of sorts, but indeed, in my home, I am the problem solver, the "go to" gal, the one who is constantly responding to a yell of "Mom? MOM???!!!". So, sanctuary doesn't really fit the description of my home. HOWEVER, God is indeed within me. So, part of our study will be in finding ways to locate and rest in the inner sanctuary that is God - who loves and breathes in me. Deep.

I so need to pray first, pray regularly, and pray with others.

Transformation does not bring about immediate comfort.

Sometimes, giving God my "firsts" can mean giving God my BEST. I can't always meet with God first thing in the morning and must wait until the best time of my day to do so - Zane's nap time. If I only think of giving God my "firsts" as first thing in the morning, I will get frustrated with myself every time.

Matthew 6:33 (The Message) Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provision. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

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