Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A New First

"Look! I drew a boy!"

Zane couldn't have been more excited about this drawing. It was almost as if he surprised himself! Thank goodness I was home tonight to capture the event - especially since it was done on a magnadoodle and could be erased at any moment. The one on the orange magnadoodle is the first. The blue one? Insurance.

The remainder of our evening was spent reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane to the kids. We couldn't stop reading. Chapter after chapter after chapter. We had to pull ourselves away at chapter seven since it was now 8:45. A great read.

Even Zane is following it.

And to think - I was scheduled to be out tonight.

Thank you Chicago blizzard (after a day that started in the 40's) . . . for sometimes, the crazy, ever changing Chicago weather is just what a family needs.

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