Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Primate Education (Or . . . Gorilla Porn)

Contrary to the little girl's comment, the female gorilla was not giving the male gorilla a piggy back ride yesterday during our visit to the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Nope. Not at all.

Not even close.

Of course, when I heard her squeal, "Look, Mommy! That gorilla is giving the other one a piggy back ride!", I very quickly gathered up Harper, Zane, and Bradley, our neighbor, to come and watch the scene as I didn't want them to miss out on the fun.

I should check the source before blindly following the crowd.

We got quite the free show.

Front and center.

Up against the glass.

I could have been "window shopping" in Amsterdam.

Daddy Gorilla finished his "piggy back" ride and moved off to the side where he literally slumped down to floor with his back against a pole. Exhausted.

All of us shocked parents just stood there. Speechless. None of us wanted to overreact, as then we would have to explain. So, a "piggy back" it was.

I love the zoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I experienced the same thing at a kindergarten field trip to the zoo with Taylor several years ago, although I can't remember which animals (but not gorillas). The class was asking me and the other parent, "What are they doing?" and we quickly said, "Ask Ms. Krank" (the teacher). She loved us for that one.